We offer customers in good standing terms of Net 30 with established credit. To set up an account, please provide a list of three trade references with which you currently have credit. You may download a credit application for the Customer Forms page on this website. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card and American Express.
Finance charges will be assessed on past due accounts at a rate of 1.5% (18% annually) with a minimum charge of $3.00. A late fee of $20.00 may be added to all accounts unpaid for 90 days. The purchaser will be responsible for all collection costs if invoices are not paid pursuant to their terms and conditions.
When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your bank account or to process the payment as a check transaction. In the event your check is returned unpaid, you authorize us to electronically (or by paper draft) re-present the check to your bank account for collection of the amount of the check, plus a return fee equal to the amount permitted by state law. A list of these fees can be found by visiting www.Profituity.com. Questions? Call 888-436-5101.
Papio Valley offers a discount program because we feel it is good business practice to reward our customers for their patronage. Rather than make our customers wait for a rebate check at the end of the season, we feel it makes more sense to allow our customers to keep their money now. As customers achieve certain price levels as the season progresses, discounts take effect from that point on. As the year-to-date purchase amount increases, so does the volume discount. Best of all, you don’t have to wait for a rebate check – you receive the discount price immediately. Furthermore, you begin the next year with the discount you earned the previous season.
All plant material sold at Papio Valley Nursery is true to name. No other warrantees are expressed or implied. We reserve the right to cancel or delay any order due to causes beyond our control (weather, insect, disease).
Any claims on plant material must be presented within 24 hours after order is received or picked up. All sales are final. It is not possible to return any extra or unused plants. If it is absolutely necessary for you to return plants, a 30% restocking fee will apply.
Papio Valley Nursery is strictly a wholesale nursery. You must provide a valid Nursery Dealer’s or Grower’s License if you intend to redistribute plant materials purchased from us. This is required by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. To obtain a license, please contact Julie VanMeter and the NDA at 402-471-2394. View the Nursery Compliance Letter and application form from the NDA .